Where you get
Better Results
take control of your personal health and fitness
Ish Fitness has expanded!
Ish Fit Club offers 24-hour keypad access to accommodate your busy schedule and keep your fitness on track. Preplanned workout cards are available for use by all members.
See the Results.
Feel the DIfference.
Since 2015, gym owner Ishmael Cole has been dedicated to Omaha area clients of all ages and fitness backgrounds to reach their personal fitness goals in his private, appointment only gym in La Vista, Nebraska. His client base ranges from youth athletes to fitness competitors to retirees managing their health, and everyone in between. Ishmael personalizes every client’s training package to meet their personal goals. With his flexible schedule, he offers training 7 days a week.
Personal Training
One-on-one personalized workouts with a certified personal trainer designed to make you stronger from the inside out. You choose between 30 minute or 60 minute sessions. Partner training is also available at a discounted rate.
Customized Planning
You will receive a customized training plan tailored to meet your specific goals, while maximizing results.
Most importantly, your personal trainer will hold you accountable. To bring real change, you have to want to put in the work. Holding yourself accountable is necessary for your own success. At IshFitness, we take achieving your health and fitness goals seriously.
group training
Group sessions are offered weekly at a Saturday morning Fit Camp class. They will include a full-body workout designed to build strength and endurance, using the energy of the group to maximize your results.
Competition prep
Has it been on your bucket list to compete in a fitness and/or body competition? We will get you ready from start to finish, from scheduled sessions to meeting with a nutritionist, we’ve got you covered.
Your personal trainer will identify your specific fitness needs and create a plan for you to efficiently and effectively achieve your desired results.
1st Phorm Authorized Retailer
We’ve got you covered with 1st Phorm products featuring a variety of supplements, powders and bar to get you through your workout or to live a healthier life.
It never gets easier,
you just get stronger.
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Don’t Put Your Life Goals on Hold This Summer
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8610 Brentwood Drive
La Vista, Nebraska 68128
Phone: 402.208.7401
Hours: Call for an Appointment