Leading By Example with Your Kids

I recently read online at healthlychildren.org that the average child or teenager spends more than 7 hours per day using electronic devices like TVs, computers, iPads, phones, etc. To me that is astonishing to read when most of the year a child is in school from...

How to See Consistent Results

Our intentions are always good. You probably didn’t start a new workout routine just for your health. You want to see consistent results. For you that might mean losing weight, firming up, or building strength but how do we get there? How much time do you need to put...

Why Quick Fixes Don’t Work

Let me guess you want to lose weight quickly? You are ready to make some changes and want to see results fast. I get it I do, but I am here to tell you buckle up for a longer ride because there are no quick fixes that will allow long-term results that you really want....

Got Holiday Stress? Keep Working Out

It’s the holidays and stress can be around every corner with family gatherings, fighting traffic and crowd-filled malls. It can be really tempting to throw the workouts aside with the promise to start up in the new year but research shows that when regular exercise...